Recognizing Our 2023 Cheers for Peers

Cheers for Peers is a peer recognition program to help doctors recognize their colleagues for brightening up the workplace, going the extra mile, or being there for support. It’s a way to celebrate the small acts of kindness we encounter every day.

Send a  big “thank you” to your colleague, fellow or resident for brightening your day by completing our short survey, reflecting on:

  • Those thoughtful words that lift our spirits
  • The small act of support that helped us through our day
  • Attitudes or behaviors we wished we could clone to make our workplace better and brighter
  • The encouragement we needed to hear to move forward with a difficult task
  • Any act or behavior that turned our frown upside down

All submissions are anonymous, but doctors can self-identify if they wish! If you have any questions, contact ThuTrang Du at To recognize a non-physician member of the care team, please submit your nomination to our  Star Performers Employee Recognition Program.

We are pleased to recognize our many faculty, fellows and residents who received “shout-outs” in 2023.

Faculty & Fellows

Drs. Rebecca Ascunce, Jennifer Chen, Alicia Mecklai and Jaya Kanduri

Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
Drs.  Anthony Rosen & Panagiota Andrepolous

Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Drs. Michelle Cohen & Dana Lukin

Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine
Drs. Brian Eiss, Emily Fessler & Jemella Raymore

General Internal Medicine
Drs. Rebecca Berger, Amanda Ceravolo, Pamela Charney, Ankur Chaudhury, Jigar Contracto, Swana De Gijsel, Vishal Dodia, Jennifer Lee, Moshe Lehrer, Susana Morales, Sharon Parish, Blanca Sckell, Lee Seligman, Joseph Shin, Fangfei Zheng

Hematology & Oncology
Drs. Josep Mailman, Raymond Pastore, Nora Chokr, Joshua Fein, Tom Kartika, Jonathan Lee, Nikita Malakhov, Franco Castillo Tokumori

Drs. Phylis August & Vesh Srivatana

Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Drs. David Berlin, Soo Cho & Julia Graham

Dr. Juliet Aizer


Drs. Godwin Boaful, Catherine Cai, Kelvin Chan, Benjamin Cote, Katherine Taylor Fortson, Elise Fraser, Aaron Holmes, Niki Iranpour, Han Li, Melina Manola, Emily Preciado, Kara Ryan, Zohaib Sheilk, Brittany Toffey, Andrew Yin

Nominations are ongoing. To learn more about the program, or nominate a colleague, contact ThuTrang Du at

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