Supplemental Training Programs

Other training programs within the medical college are available to supplement fellowship training, depending on the fellow’s specific interests.

Clinical Research Training: Certificate and Master’s Degree Programs

The Graduate Program in Clinical and Translational Investigation at Weill Cornell Medical College trains patient-oriented researchers to conceive, design, and conduct independent clinical research in a well-structured cross-disciplinary team environment. The National Institutes of Health funds this program through their Clinical & Translational Science Award. The curriculum offers two tracks that are designed for rigorous training in clinical investigation.

The first track covers a core curriculum providing the basic skills of clinical investigation, and leads to a Certificate of Clinical Investigation. It includes training in the development of research hypotheses and methods of hypothesis testing; grant writing and manuscript preparation; data collection, construction of databases and data management systems; computer programs for data analysis; statistical analysis and the appropriate use of various statistical techniques in clinical research; basic epidemiologic principles in clinical research; design and conduct of meta-analyses and clinical trials; ethics and human subjects protection in the conduct of patient-oriented research; regulatory requirements of clinical research; preparing protocols for the Institutional Review Board and other agencies; grants management and intellectual property; and general and specific state-of-the-art research tools and techniques.

The second track leading to a Master’s Degree in Clinical and Translational Investigation from Cornell University includes the core curriculum; additional electives in the trainee’s area of interest; and a clinical research project mentored in its design and implementation by a clinical investigator. Members of the Infectious Disease Division (Drs. Glesby, Gulick, and Wilkin) serve as faculty for this training program. Many of our fellows and junior faculty members have used this program to supplement their training as clinical researchers. A K30 training grant covers tuition for those accepted to the program.

Graduate Program in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Services

The Graduate Program in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Services offers an 8-week intensive summer program or a 2-year Master of Science (MS) degree in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Services Research from Cornell University. The program is designed for fellows who wish to plan, implement and analyze quantitative and qualitative research studies, using appropriate research designs. The core of the curriculum includes research methodology, biostatistical techniques, data management, decision analysis, health economics and program evaluation. Graduates of the Master’s program will be prepared to pursue academic careers in a variety of settings where data is required to answer complex questions. The emphasis is on training clinician researchers to teach research methods, conduct methodologically rigorous and scientifically sound studies, evaluate programs and perform cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit studies in a variety of populations. Many of our fellows doing international research have supplemented their clinical research training by participating in this program’s Global Health track. Members of the Infectious Diseases Division (Drs. Fitzgerald, Glesby) serve as faculty for this training program.

Master of Science in Health Informatics at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences

The Master of Science in Health Informatics prepares students for careers at the intersection of health and information technology, through training in research, innovation and analysis. As our nation strives to improve health and healthcare, these skills are vital to positions in health analytics, policy and management in academia, industry and government. The innovative curriculum addresses the need for systems science perspectives in healthcare, and incorporates a transdisciplinary approach by fusing traditional methods from health services research with computational and informatics techniques. This program provides a vibrant alternative to traditional training in health services research, health care management, health information technology and related fields.

Master of Science in Health Policy and Economics

The Master of Science in Health Policy and Economics program provides a strong foundation in healthcare research methods with specialized training in health economics, health policy, data analytics, and implementation science. Each student acquires hands-on experience through a faculty-mentored research project. In contrast to an MPH program, it covers a broader policy perspective to include payment policy, health insurance coverage, and structural issues related to the healthcare delivery system. Additionally, this program is mostly practice-based while M.P.H. programs tend to be more theoretical.

Preventive Medicine Training

Weill Cornell’s Department of Population Health Sciences offers a General Preventive Medicine Training Program, for which ID fellows may apply after their initial year of clinical ID training. As part of the General Preventive Medicine Program, fellows enroll in the Master’s Degree Program in Clinical Investigation or potentially other Masters’ programs affiliated with the Department of Population Health Sciences. At the end of the program, they are eligible for certification by the American Board of Preventive Medicine. The program emphasizes epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical and preventive medicine, medical care organization, medical sociology, and health economics and education. Fellows participate in Cornell’s Public Health seminars. Fellows also undertake an original research project. Each fellow will have an individual program designed to meet his/her specific professional goals. Fellows have used this program to supplement their training in hospital epidemiology and public health.


Infectious Diseases

Roy M. Gulick, M.D., Chief

Avi Bueno, Administrator
Tel: (212) 746-4914
Fax: (212) 746-8675

Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

Rosy Priya L. Kodiyanplakkal, M.D, Program Director
Kohta Saito, M.D., Associate Program Director
Ole Vielemeyer, M.D., Associate Program Director

Lizzette Checo, Program Coordinator
1300 York Avenue, A-421
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-7602
Fax: (212) 746-8675


