T32 Research Training Faculty in Other Departments and Institutions

Paul Bienasz, Ph.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Biology and evolution of retroviruses, including HIV-1, and the genetics of host–virus interactions

Jean-Laurent Casanova, M.D., Ph.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Genetic determinants of infectious diseases

Marina Caskey, M.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Immune-based therapies for HIV, including broadly-neutralizing antibodies

Ethel Cesarman, M.D., Ph.D.

Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Pathology
Research specialty: KSHV-HHV8 and EBV pathogenesis/HIV-related malignancies

Kirk W. Deitsch, Ph.D.

Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Research specialty: Malaria gene expression and antigenic variation

Sabine Ehrt, Ph.D.

Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Research specialty: Molecular mechanisms of M. tuberculosis virulence

Michael Glickman, M.D.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Research specialty: Immunology of M. tuberculosis infection

Carl F. Nathan, M.D.

Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Research specialty: Host-pathogen relations and drug discovery for M. tuberculosis

Michel Nussenzweig, M.D., Ph.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Molecular aspects of adaptive and innate immune responses

Charles Rice, Ph.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Hepatitis C virus

Jeremy Rock, Ph.D.

Rockefeller University
Research specialty: Biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

Infectious Diseases

Roy M. Gulick, M.D., Chief

Avi Bueno, Administrator
Tel: (212) 746-4914
Fax: (212) 746-8675

Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

Rosy Priya L. Kodiyanplakkal, M.D, Program Director
Kohta Saito, M.D., Associate Program Director
Ole Vielemeyer, M.D., Associate Program Director

Lizzette Checo, Program Coordinator
1300 York Avenue, A-421
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-7602
Fax: (212) 746-8675


