Weekly Conferences

Renal Pathology Grand Rounds (Monday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. )

This weekly conference is a forum for in-depth clinico-pathological correlation of renal biopsies with clinical cases. The first two months of the academic year consist of didactic lectures given by the Renal Pathology Faculty (directed by Dr. Surya Seshan, Professor of Pathology, Chief, Renal Pathology, Department of Pathology) covering the essentials of renal pathology. The remainder of the year consists of case presentations with review of biopsy results and fellow's formal lectures. On average, two cases are presented each week. The renal fellow who performed the biopsy presents the case while another renal fellow is invited to discuss the differential diagnosis, followed by input from other fellows and faculty. The pathology slides are then reviewed by the fellow in conjunction with the renal pathologist. The clinical and histopathological findings are then examined from the diagnostic and prognostic perspectives. Additionally, therapeutics are discussed, and basic science and/or recent literature pertinent to the case is also reviewed as a teaching exercise. This conference is attended by all the fellows and faculty and provides the fellow with an opportunity to understand the core aspects of renal pathology and interpret the biopsy findings relevant to patient care with confidence. The division provides lunch for the attendees.

Transplantation: Basic Science and Clinical Application (Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

This weekly conference is a forum for in-depth discussion of a complex transplant case. Led by Division Chief Dr. Suthanthiran, the nephrology fellow on the transplant service prepares and presents a transplant patient case. A fellow not involved in the case is invited to discuss the case, which includes a differential diagnosis and anticipated biopsy findings. Transplantation immunobiology including immunogenetics (e.g., tissue typing, cross match) and immunosuppressive drugs are discussed in the context of the clinical case. This conference is attended by all the fellows and provides the fellow with an opportunity to understand the core aspects of transplantation in detail and to manage complex clinical problems in transplant recipients with confidence. The division provides lunch for the attendees.

Interdisciplinary Inpatient Transplant Review (Tuesday, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.)

This weekly conference is a forum for in-depth discussion of medical, surgical and social problems related to kidney transplant recipients and kidney and pancreas recipients admitted in the hospital. All members of the transplant team including transplant physicians, transplant surgeons, transplant fellow, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurses, nutritionists and social workers attend this weekly conference. Patients who are currently in the hospital on the transplantation service are discussed. Transplant quality assurance and improvement are also reviewed on a monthly basis. This conference is attended by the fellow on the transplantation service and the transplantation faculty and provides the fellow with an opportunity to understand the management of complex problems in transplant recipients as well as to discuss clinical problems with other health care providers with confidence.

Research Methodology and Literature Review – Journal Club (Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)

This weekly conference is a forum for in-depth discussion of research methodology and evidence based medicine. Following the first didactic session given by Dr. August on research methodology, a fellow and a Nephrology Attending are responsible for selecting an appropriate article for review in the subsequent weeks. The fellows review relevant background literature, hypothesis tested, methodology, statistics, conclusions, and impact on clinical care. This conference is attended by all the fellows and faculty and provides the fellow with an opportunity to understand the core aspects of biostatistics and to critically interpret the biomedical literature.

Nephrology Grand Rounds (Thursday, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.)

This weekly conference is a forum for the presentation of state-of-the-art lectures on various topics pertaining to nephrology and transplantation. In addition to the Weill Cornell faculty, internationally renowned experts from other institutions are also invited. This conference is attended by all the fellows and faculty and provides the fellows with an opportunity to learn what is new and trending in nephrology and transplantation. The division provides lunch for the attendees.

Renal Consultation Rounds (Thursday, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)

This conference is a forum for discussing complex diagnosis and management problems pertaining to patient care. The nephrology fellow on the Consultation Service, in conjunction with the supervising physician on the service, presents two cases every week. A fellow who is not involved in the care of the patient that is being presented is invited to discuss the case. All fellows and faculty contribute to the discussion. One week each month this conference is held jointly with our nephrology colleagues from the nearby Lenox Hill Hospital.

This conference is attended by all the fellows and faculty and provides the fellows with an opportunity to learn how to manage complex clinical problems in nephrology as well as to present and discuss cases with confidence.

Nephrology Core Curriculum Seminars (Friday 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.)

This weekly seminar is a forum for in-depth coverage of core topics in renal physiology, pathophysiology, dialysis, clinical nephrology, onconephrology and transplantation. Every week a faculty member will discuss one core topic. This conference is attended by all the fellows and provides the fellow with an opportunity to learn the core topics in nephrology. The division provides lunch for the attendees.

11:30 am - 12:30 pmRenal Pathology Grand RoundsTransplantation: Basic Science and Clinical Application
12 pm - 1 pmNephrology Grand RoundsNephrology Core Curriculum Seminars
4 pm - 5 pmInterdisciplinary Inpatient Transplant
4:30 pm - 5:30 pmResearch Methodology & Literature Review Journal Club Renal Consultation Rounds

Nephrology & Hypertension

Manikkam Suthanthiran, M.D., Chief

Nephrology Fellowship Program

Phyllis August, M.D., M.P.H., Program Director

Thangamani Muthukumar, M.D., M.S., Associate Program Director

Frances Gillen, Fellowship Administrator
Room: LH-112
Tel: (646) 962-2613
Fax: (646) 962-0153




Related Links

PDF icon  Scholarly Activity of Nephrology Fellows