The Annual Weill Cornell Medicine Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Poster Symposium took place virtually on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. First held in 2012 within the Weill Department of Medicine, the program is now co-sponsored by the Physician Organization Division of Quality and Patient Safety and NewYork-Presbyterian Department of Nursing. The event showcases quality and safety projects from all departments across the Weill Cornell uptown, Lower Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn Methodist locations.
Featuring both a self-directed viewing session and a live program, 33 projects were selected through a peer-review process conducted by Quality Improvement Academy (QIA) alumni, the WDOM QIPS committee, Housestaff Quality Council, and the PO QPS Division. Twelve were selected for oral presentation. Also included in the viewing session were projects from the graduating QIA class of 2021.
Three projects for oral presentation were selected within each of the four QPS themes for this year with one receiving special recognition for outstanding interdisciplinary teamwork, sustainability, impact on future practice and application of QI methodology.
Group A: Advancing Patient Safety
A Quality Improvement Initiative to Establish a Universal Postpartum Depression Screening Program in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Georgina Hartzell, M.D.; et al.
Department of Psychiatry
Group B: Promoting Health Care Quality
Improving Quality Metrics Related to Diabetes and Diabetic Eye Examinations
Anton Orlin, M.D.; et al.
Department of Ophthalmology
Group C: Optimizing Care Delivery
Improve Transition of Cardiac Care
Keziah NarayanaJaya, P.A.; et al.
Weill Department of Medicine
Group D: Improving Health Equity
Tele-Navigation: Using Remote Work with Telemedicine to Help Patients Navigate the Healthcare System
Matthew Laghezza, P.A.; et al.
Department of Emergency Medicine
A live recording of the event and e-Booklet will be available on the Annual QIPS Symposium website. To learn more about QIA initiatives, please visit QIA website!