Department of Medicine Welcomes Dr. Judy Tung as Interim Director of Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Associates (WCIMA)

Dr. Judy Tung

Dr. B. Robert Meyer is stepping down as the Director of Weill Cornell Internal Medical Associates (WCIMA) after a remarkably successful tenure in that position. WCIMA has become a role model for General Internal Medicine teaching practices in academic medical centers around the country with its unique blend of payer mix, faculty excellence and resident education. None of this would have been possible without Dr. Meyer's leadership. Please join us in thanking Bob for a job wonderfully well done. Fortunately, his invaluable contributions to Weill Cornell (and WCIMA) will continue as the Department of Medicine advances its mission.

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Judy Tung has accepted the position as Interim Director of WCIMA, pending a national search for a new Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine. Dr. Tung joined the Weill Cornell faculty in 2001 as Assistant Professor of Medicine after completing her residency at the University of California, San Francisco and chief residency at New York University and Bellevue Hospital. She has co-directed the Weill Cornell Primary Care Residency Program since 2003 and served as Associate Program Director of the Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Residency Program since 2006. An award-winning teacher, Dr. Tung is one of the Department of Medicine's most popular and respected clinician-educators.