The WDOM congratulates Dr. Ari Melnick on being named an honoree for the 2020 Ernest Beutler Lecture and Prize. The Ernest Beutler Lecture is a two-part lectureship that recognizes major translational advances related to a single topic.
The Ernest Beutler Lecture (ASH - American Society of Hematology) honors two individuals, one is recognized for enabling advances in basic science, and the other is recognized for using clinical science or translational research to carry basic science advances through to tangible improvements in patient care. Dr. Melnick, along with the other honoree, Dr. Courtney DiNardo, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, are being recognized for their “significant research contributions to the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia through an improved understanding of epigenetics.”
Drs. Melnick and DiNardo will present their lecture during the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition.
“I am very honored and humbled to receive this award,” said Dr. Melnick. “I appreciate that it means my peers believe that I am meeting high standards and that this is leading to significant advances in our field.”