Publication in Cell Metabolism Suggests Gut Microbiome Controls Blood Glucose Levels Through the Liver

Dr. David Cohen

Dr. David E. Cohen, Chief, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, has published a paper (as senior author) in Cell Metabolism that has opened a new window on the control of blood glucose levels through the liver via gut microbiome. Dr. Tibor Krisko, Assistant Professor of Medicine, and Dr. Hayley Nicholls Krisko, Assistant Professor of Metabolism Research in Medicine, served as co-authors on the paper.

Funding for this study came from the NIH and a Pinnacle Research Award (AASLDF), as well as from the Fund for the Future — a newly established fund in the WDOM that supports selected faculty in the department during the crucial period of career development spanning completion of research training through the early years of their first faculty position held at WCM.