The WDOM Congratulates Its 2020 Diversity Award Honorees!

These awards are presented by The Executive Committee on Diversity and Inclusion: Drs. Linnie Golightly, Joy Howell, Said Ibrahim, Marcus Lambert, Rache Simmons.

Dean’s Diversity and Healthcare Disparity Research Grant Awardees

Faculty Members:

Arnam Kumar Ghosh, M.B.,B.S.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, General Internal Medicine (Hospital Medicine)

Ayana Morales, M.D.
Instructor in Medicine, Infectious Diseases

Bella Yogesh Mehta, M.B.,B.S.
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Rheumatology


John Vaughn, M.D.
Fellow, Hematology & Medical Oncology


Nabeel Wahid, M.D.
Resident, PGY3