
Suboxone Program

Office-Based Treatment for Patients with Prescription Pain Killer and/or Opiate Addiction

Weill Cornell Medical College pioneered the development of treatment for addiction. The Suboxone Program at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City treats prescription pain medication dependence, heroin addiction, and methadone or other opioid dependence.

Unlike methadone and other clinics, the Weill Cornell treatment program is office-based. Suboxone treatment is initiated and continued by our physicians in private individual sessions. Our team has special expertise in transitioning patients with opioid dependence to Suboxone in the privacy of our conveniently located office. Private inpatient care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is also available.

The Suboxone Program team consists of psychiatrists, internists, psychologists and other clinicians, all of whom have expertise in dealing with opioid dependence and the transition to Suboxone. The team provides support for patients throughout all phases of treatment. The Suboxone Program uses the latest, well-tested treatment modalities.

A specially trained psychiatrist or internist will assess each patient's needs and devise an individualized treatment plan that includes initial in person dosing and a follow-up plan.

Suboxone offers a more comfortable recovery from pain killer addiction. Over time, the frequency of suboxone prescriptions can be lessened, depending on each individual's needs. Suboxone is a safer alternative to heroin or other opiate use, with reduced health risks and a lower risk profile than other treatments.


Referrals can be made by healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists, internists, nurses, psychotherapists, pain management specialists, and addiction specialists. Individuals can also self-refer by calling the program directly and scheduling an evaluation.

Patients will be inducted onto suboxone and then stabilized on a maintenance dose, which can be offered monthly.

Financial Information

The  Suboxone Program requires payment in full by each patient at the beginning of each visit. Credit as well as ATM/debit cards are accepted.

For Patients and Family

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is the first oral medication that has been approved in the U.S. that physicians can prescribe in an office based setting to people who are dependent or addicted to opioids such as pain medication, heroin or methadone. Suboxone is an effective medication for opioid addiction that does not require daily or weekly visits to a clinic. Suboxone blocks the effects of other opioids. This eliminates cravings and prevents withdrawal symptoms such as pain and nausea. Patients can be maintained on Suboxone or go through detoxification.

Suboxone is a different type of opioid than pain pills, heroin or methadone. Because this medication leaves the brain cells more slowly than typical opioids, the withdrawal process is milder and detoxification is generally easier to accomplish. Clients work with Suboxone Program doctors to reach this goal.

Suboxone is composed of two separate medications: buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine, which is a partial opioid, has opiate affects that are significantly reduced compared to that of full opioid agonists, such as vicodin or heroin. Naloxone, which is not absorbed by the digestive track when Suboxone is taken orally, is added to Suboxone in order to prevent the misuse of the medication by injection drug users and those who are looking to replace their illegal addiction with a legal one.

The Suboxone Treatment Program at the Midtown Center

The Suboxone Treatment Program at the Midtown Center specializes in the use of Suboxone for the treatment of people dependent or addicted to opioids. Patients are transitioned from their current substance of abuse onto Suboxone. The transfer and stabilization phase takes place after a thorough evaluation by our multidisciplinary team. Our team includes psychiatrists, internists, and other clinical staff with special expertise in dealing with opioid dependence and the transition to Suboxone. Patients can go through the detoxification process or be maintained on Suboxone at the program. Patients can also be maintained by the referring physician, or another certified physician in the community, as determined by the patient's needs.

The Suboxone Treatment Program provides treatment in a welcoming and private office-based setting for people who are dependent on opioids such as pain pills, heroin and methadone. Suboxone is a medication that is also an opioid. Suboxone, which has been used for many years to relieve pain, was recently approved in the U.S. for the treatment of opioid dependence. Suboxone acts differently, however, from other opioids and these differences make it an effective medication for maintenance and detoxification treatment.

The Program's treatment includes evaluations by our clinical staff. Once a client is determined to be appropriate for Suboxone treatment, transition and stabilization on the medication takes place. Clients are maintained on Suboxone and a prescription for the medication is given. Detoxification is also a treatment option.

The Suboxone Treatment Program at the Midtown Center subscribes to the idea that drug abuse is a medical condition that can be treated safely and effectively in the community by a certified physician. Patients may call us directly to inquire about the program and to discuss any questions or concerns they may have about Suboxone for maintenance or detoxification.

For Family and Friends

If you think a friend or family member is possibly abusing pain pills, heroin or other types of opioids, it may be difficult for you to talk about it. Suboxone is a prescription medication that is approved for the treatment of adults dependent on opioids such as pain pills, heroin or methadone. Please call us to discuss your concerns and the appropriateness of Suboxone treatment for your family member or friend. All conversations are strictly confidential and treatment takes place in an office-based setting.

For Healthcare Providers

About Suboxone

Suboxone is the first medication for opioid maintenance and detoxification that physicians can dispense in their office. Suboxone is a partial agonist that blocks the effects of other opioids. Suboxone interacts in similar, but significantly different ways, at the same mu receptors in the brain where heroin, methadone, and prescription pain relievers such as oxycontin initiate their effects. This distinctive pharmacology gives Suboxone its safety margin and low potential for diversion. It eliminates the major motivation for opioid abuse by preventing withdrawal symptoms and it produces less stimulation and physical dependence than full agonists. It is administered sublingually. Subutex contains buprenorphine alone. This form of buprenorphine is used during the induction process and in special situations.

To Refer Patients

To refer patients to the Weill Cornell Medical College Suboxone Program, or for more information, please contact our offices, at (212) 746-5178. Patients may call us directly to inquire about the program, and to discuss any questions or concerns they may have about Suboxone for maintenance or detoxification.

The Suboxone Program offices are open Mondays and Fridays: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

About our Staff

The Suboxone Program team includes psychiatrists, psychologists and other clinicians, all of whom have expertise in dealing with opioid dependence and the transition to Suboxone. The team provides support for patients throughout all phases of treatment.

Dr. Ann Beeder

Ann B. Beeder, M.D.
Chief, Division of Community and Public Health Programs
Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon Associate Professor of Clinical Public Health and Psychiatry
Public Health Associate Attending Physician
Medical Director, Vincent P. Dole Treatment & Research Institute, Midtown Center for Treatment & Research, Employee Assistance Program Consortium
(212) 746-1258

Dr. Todd Loftus

Todd Loftus, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Public Health
Division of Community and Public Health Programs
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Assistant Attending Psychiatrist
(212) 764-5178


The Suboxone Program is located at:

The Midtown Center for Treatment and Research
56 West 45th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10036
(212) 764-5178

Public Health Programs

Ann B. Beeder, M.D., Chief

641 Lexington Avenue, Floor 14
Tel: (212) 461-1769

Mailing Address

Weill Cornell Medical College
Division of Public Health Programs
1163 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065




Clinical Trials