Dr. Manikkam Suthanthiran recently attended the first ever Nephrology Conference held in Qatar as guest speaker. The event was covered in The Peninsula, a Qatar newspaper featuring local news with a global vision. Dr. Suthanthiran was quoted in the article on a recent groundbreaking "non-invasive" test for kidney transplant patients that he and his team developed in their laboratory at NYP/WCM.
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College's two campuses – in New York City and in Doha, Qatar – have collaborated on findings that provide a key insight for medical education across the globe. In the March issue of Academic Medicine, Drs. Joseph J. Fins and Pablo Rodriguez del Pozo borrow a concept from anthropology to demonstrate how "low-context" and "high-context" societies significantly impact how students learn.
The question of whether medical drugs that enhance mood and cognition should be made available over-the-counter sparked great discussion among students, faculty and staff at the second WCMC-Q Debate in February.