Drs. Fitzgerald and Rhee Receive $5 Million TRAC Grant from the NIH

Dr. Dan Fitzgerald and Dr. Kyu Y. Rhee have received a $5 million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in support of tuberculosis (TB) research.

This Tri-institutional TB Research Advancement Center (TRAC) grant is a collaboration between an exceptional group of 20 basic and clinical TB science investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University in Ithaca, Rockefeller University, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

TB is caused by a mycobacteria and, most commonly, presents as pneumonia. It causes the death of over 1 million people worldwide each year, typically in low income countries. Tri-I investigators are world-leaders in TB research, studying the basic biochemistry and biology of the mycobacteria in New York laboratories, as well as new treatments and preventions in clinics in Haiti and Tanzania.  

The new NIAID-supported TB Center will foster greater synergy between basic and clinical scientists to speed laboratory findings to the bedside. The Center will also support young investigators in the field of TB research so that new ideas and perspectives are brought to the fight against TB.

Dr. Fitzgerald is a Professor of Medicine in the WDOM’s Division of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Center for Global Health. Dr. Rhee is a Professor of Medicine in the WDOM’s Division of Infectious Diseases.