On Saturday, September 15th, the WCM-NYP Residency Diversity Open House “Make Your Match” was held in Uris Auditorium and attracted a record number of attendees. The event was organized and hosted by NYP/Weill Cornell residency programs, Department of Medicine Office of Diversity, Cornell Center for Health Equity, and the Weill Cornell Diversity Center for Excellence. Medical students were provided a unique experience in which to participate in mock residency interviews, meet and greet with top experts in a wide range of medical fields, and to learn about the successful career paths of Weill Cornell residents who have achieved major successes in the field of medicine.
Dr. Susana Morales, Vice Chair of Diversity; Dr. Linnie Golightly, Associate Dean, Diversity and Inclusion; Dr. Gerald Loughlin, Chair of Pediatrics; along with the co-Chairs of the WDOM’s Minority House Staff Committee, Drs. Ruslan Garcia, Shanna Tucker, and Dario Villamar gave welcoming remarks and counsel to the students. Other speakers included Drs. Anthony Watkins, transplant surgeon and Program Director in General Surgery; Joy Howell, Vice Chair for Diversity in Pediatrics; Jennifer DiPace, Program Director in Pediatrics; and Tirsit Asfaw, Program Director in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The event emphasized the importance of diversity activities in the WDOM and Weill Cornell Medicine as a whole and it highlighted the achievements of current residents and those who are now in those who are now in high-level posts throughout the country, including: Dr. Luciana Borio, Director, Medical and Biodefense Preparedness Policy, White House National Security Council; Dr. Carla Boutin-Foster, Associate Dean, Diversity Education and Research, SUNY Downstate; Dr. Edward Wingfield, Medical Vice President, Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center (Hamilton); and many more.