Weill Cornell Medical College Excellence in Teaching Awards 2008

Award Recipients from the Department of Medicine

Joseph. T. Cooke, M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society III Course

Elizabeth L. Jacobson, M.D.
Introductory Clerkship

Shari R. Midoneck, M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society I-Office Preceptorship

Edward J. Parrish, M.S., M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society I-Office Preceptorship

Jeremy D. Sperling, M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society I- Small Group Leader

Jonathan Tessler, M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society I-Office Preceptorship

Judy Tung, M.D.
Primary Care Clerkship

Hooman Yaghoobzadeh, M.D.
Medicine Clerkship

Cecilia J. Yoon, M.D.
Medicine, Patients & Society II Course

Dana Zapetti, M.D. 
Medicine Sub-Internship