Dr. Judy Tung Honored with Award from NewYork-Presbyterian Department of Nursing

Dr. Judy Tung

The NewYork-Presbyterian Department of Nursing has named Dr. Judy Tung, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College and Medical Director, Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Associates (WCIMA), as the 2012 Cornell ACN Physician of the Year. The Department of Nursing gives this award to recognize physicians who consistently practice with nursing and support staff in a collaborative, collegial, and respectful manner.

Dr. Tung will receive the award at a special ceremony on November 7, 2012. Lovelyamma Varghese, RN, the Director of Nursing Practice & Quality, Community Health Education and Outreach, for the NYP Ambulatory Care Network (ACN) noted that "it is very difficult to select one physician for this award," since the ACN administrative and nursing team works "with many great physicians who go above and beyond in working collaboratively with the ACN's nurses and support staff." The ACN nursing and administrative team congratulated Dr. Tung on the award and took the opportunity to thank all of the physicians "for their great team work, collaboration, and leadership."