Infectious Diseases

GHESKIO Research Published in New England Journal of Medicine: Earlier Is Better for HIV Treatment

Clinical studies at GHESKIO in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, have confirmed that early initiation of antiretroviral therapy significantly increases survival rates among HIV-1 patients. The study also links early intervention with a decreased rate of incident tuberculosis, a leading cause of death among HIV patients in resource-poor countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Department of Medicine Fellows Award

The Fellows Research Award is presented annually to fellows within the Department of Medicine who have presented outstanding research.

GHESKIO Wins 2010 Gates Award for Global Health

Dr. Jean Pape
GHESKIO, an institution in Haiti founded nearly three decades ago to fight HIV/AIDS, has been awarded the prestigious 2010 Gates Award for Global Health for its years of groundbreaking clinical service, research, and training to effectively treat and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and other related illnesses.

The Department of Medicine Welcomes Three Experts to the Division of Infectious Diseases

Dr. David Calfee serves as the new Chief Hospital Epidemiologist at NYP/Weill Cornell. Dr. Stephen Wilson is a new Hospital Epidemiologist. Thomas Walsh, M.D. is the new Director of the Transplantation-Oncology Infectious Diseases Program.

President Clinton Visits GHESKIO

Clinton at GHESKIO
On Friday, February 5, former United States President Bill Clinton, founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti, visited GHESKIO in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to help begin the process of recovery and reconstruction, and to deliver relief supplies including water, food, solar flash lights, portable radios, generators, and approximately 1,900 lbs. of medical supplies.

B.H. Kean-Boxer Family Foundation Lecture in Global Health

Weill Cornell Medicine News
The annual B.H. Kean-Boxer Family Foundation Lecture in Global Health took place at Medical Grand Rounds on October 20th in Uris Auditorium. The speaker was Dr. D.A. Henderson from John Hopkins University.

Dr. Ko Receives $2.8 Million NIH Grant to Develop Rapid Diagnostic Test for Leptospirosis

Weill Cornell Medicine News
Leptospirosis is transmitted by rats, livestock and domestic animals in populations without access to adequate sanitation. It is considered a neglected infectious disease since it imparts its greatest burden on poor populations in developing countries.

Dr. Warren Johnson, Jr. to Receive the 2009 Society Citation Award From the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Dr. Warren Johnson
Dr. Warren Johnson, of the Division of Infectious Diseases, was selected by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA) to receive the 2009 Society Citation Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions in infectious diseases and his commitment to the field. The award will be presented during the upcoming IDSA meeting in Philadelphia.

The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center Inaugurated in Haiti

Haiti ribbon cutting
On February 10, Dr. Warren D. Johnson, Jr., former Chief of Infectious Diseases, and now Director of the Center for Global Health within the Department of Medicine's Infectious Diseases Division, was honored during an inauguration ceremony, in which a new clinical facility was named The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center.

WCMC Receives $100,000 Grand Challenges Explorations Grant for Innovative Global Health Research by Dr. Kyu Rhee

Dr. Kyu Rhee
The grant will support an innovative global health research project by Dr. Rhee, titled "Metabolosomes: The Organizing Principle of Latency in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis."