Dr. Fernando Martinez
Dr. Fernando Martinez, Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, is serving as Principal Investigator (PI) on a newly funded R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The nearly $11 million dollar grant (over five years) will fund The Capture Study through 2021. The Capture Study, guided by strong preliminary data, seeks to identify COPD patients who are underrecognized and undertreated in primary care. Employing a highly innovative approach, the investigative group will utilize five simple questions in combination with a selective peak expiratory flow measurement in an approach called CAPTURE. Together, these tools will uncover individuals who have clinically significant COPD and who are most likely to benefit from current therapies. In collaboration with co-PI Dr. Meilan K. Han, University of Michigan, the COPD Foundation, several academic COPD experts, and co-investigators at five primary care based research networks The Capture Study will be conducted across 100 primary clinical practice settings.
“We believe the results of this study will change the paradigm for COPD evaluation in the primary care setting, as well as COPD recommendations globally,” says Dr. Martinez. The Weill Department of Medicine congratulates Dr. Martinez on this newly awarded NIH-funded grant that is expected to generate significant advances for the treatment of COPD.